
tech rambling 

One thing that irks me about how a lot of tech uses infinitely scrolling "timelines" and the such is that most apps don't keep track of your progress if you navigate away.

If I'm viewing something I probably want to keep going from where I left off unless I explicitly want to go to the top.

RSS readers, Google's podcast thing, Mastodon Web (twitter in general), etc.

At least browsers sometimes preserve the scroll for me if it's a full page navigation. 🤷

· · Web · 3 · 0 · 3

tech rambling 

@mauve it can be implemented, but was often forgotten about in SPAs (react-router recently gained this functionality, for example, iirc)

tech rambling 

@thisismissem Yeah! I've tried doing it for things in the past. Glad to hear react-router is taking it seriously, that should yield benefits to loads of apps without extra dev thought put into it. 🙇

tech rambling 

@mauve in my experiance with the official native mobile app, and tusky. this is how it actually works which is nice. (Also no lag and random crashing! unlike twitter)

tech rambling 

@mauve and Manyverse! It's endemic.

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