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I think my philosophy when making software is that it should work for people with zero money or no bank account / credit card.

I know it's not a popular mindset to be in since money and profit is everything in the tech world.

I think it comes from growing up as a kid with no disposable income or access to anything but my shitty computer.

I'd rather support people with almost nothing than people with latest and greatest tech gizmos and spare cash for subscription services. 😅

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Thread of stuff I wanna buy. Will "like" my own toot if I get it.

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I'm gonna use this yhread as a way to keep track of links to read and like my own posts when I get around to them.

I think I'm warming up to using local LLMs for helping me code. I don't trust them for large scale code generation but it's started saving me some time in looking up syntax and docs via DuckDuckGo. I still need to look up docs for most of the work I do but not so much for common use cases you'd find on stack overflow.

The second last layer was set to relu which messed everything up.

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Lmao, re-running an neural network training thing I did a month ago and it's no longer able to train a working model. Not even sure what changed 🤷

nazi techbro avoidance 

Over the past month, I've been doing my best to de-mega-corp my tech ecosystem.

My conclusion: unless you are a skilled tech nerd with money and are willing and able to do it, it's basically impossible to not be exploited by your tech.

Tech's current state is abusive in all the worst ways, and frankly it should be illegal.

Tech professionals should be ashamed by what we have wrought.

tips for folks getting started.

Don't use the system-level python as that can update and break dependencies. E.g. Arch uses 3.13 if you update and Tensorflow can't go above 3.12.

Use pyenv to do version management per project.

Don't install pip dependencies globally. Use virtualenv to set up dependencies per project.

Python versioning is rough out of the box and these tips can save you some pain.

The appeal of machine learning to me is how clean the actual structure of models can be once you split it up in the right layers.

A lot of "application" code is a tangled web of dependencies and small independent or coupled bits of state that you need to coordinate in bizarre ways to account for the difficulty of state management in distributed systems.

ML on the other hand needs maths knowledge but the blocks fit together in a nice clean linear way of input to output.

Friendly reminder for those looking for a new , Agregore has built in UBlock origin ad blocking and doesn't track you or sell your data.

I'm seeing a lot of folks making the same suggestion, and now I'll say it too:

Use Amazon like a catalog you browse.

Find a thing you want.

Go to the manufacturer's site (NOT their Amazon "store!").

Buy it there. Often you'll find coupons or discount codes NOT present on Amazon.


In manual memory management, the garbage collects YOU.

Looks like the emails used to register for fediforum have either been leaked or scraped or something because I've been getting spam on the one I created just for the event. 😿

Hard to find time to become transhuman while I gotta do my tasks. Luckily humans on average have a decent lifespan to get stuff done in.

Don't forget to eat your clocks this weekend. Completing the Sisyphusian cycle of how time consumes us.

A/B testing with zero user consent or disclosure is messed up. It's gross how tech people treat users like fodder with little care for their agency.

Updating my code to the latest version of

Hopefully the route instability stuff will be fixed now!

it's ridiculous how it's now normal that computers are adversarial to their owners and using a computer now means to be working around constantly hostility of software designed specifically to not help you, and this is accepted enough that for young people that's their whole idea of what a computer is, a sort of scammy robot always trying to pull one over you

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.