Honestly, I think it might be worthwhile to stop worrying about getting native 2D UIs working cross platform using "native UI elements" and jump straight to 3D rendering with accessibility API integration. 🤷
@mauve this also sounds like something Constellation would help with, a set of tools that can let content be 1-click runnable anywhere (native or web)... it's another project I'm working on but it's on the backburner right now due to Stardust being more important IMO.
@mauve why not both? stardust can do both :D
sorry, i know I talk about it a lot but like I've been working on all this stuff a while, the pulse sender/receiver system allows accessibility tagging and a heirarchy by distance, like a 3D version of the accessibility APIs on the web...
@technobaboo Oh yeah, starduat was very much on my mind when I posted that 😁
Thinking about this blog post I never published: https://blog.mauve.moe/posts/stripped-down-browsers.md
Might be cool to revisit it (before I was looking from a Node.js approach, now I'm not sure).