I wanna make a fedi server which leans heavily on on the server side. E.g. instead of duplicating media locally all the time, it can upload it to and have a way to resolve the media URL to a p2p URL so that clients can load it from cache or the network. This would combine with the cache pruning of IPFS so that the instance's size is bounded and unused media gets purged as part of garbage collection.

@mauve nice idea :) but i think that an own #IPFS instance integrated into a Mastodon server might utilize way too many resources in its own already

@KIT_strong_WING huge mood. I really wish it wasn't such a CPU and network hog 🥲🥲🥲


@KIT_strong_WING buy hey at least there's a bumch of smart folks working on it

@KIT_strong_WING I think the new Rust impl is the most focused on improving perf. They've still got a ways to go from what I understand though. github.com/n0-computer/iroh

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