
Not sure if this will reach the right audience, but do folks have recommendations for walkers? I've been thinking of getting one so I could have something to lean on and sit down when I'm out and about.

Preferably with a seat and collapsable.

Boosts and links would be appreciated. 🙇

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Also for context, I'd need to be able to get it shipped to Canada if it's not already something I can just buy in a store.

So far this rollator is looking like what I'd want. Might see if I can find one in meatspace to try out first.

@mauve do you need something to actually support you or is the purpose to just have an always available chair/something to rest with you?

@mauve because a very minimalist and packable support could be foldable hiking sticks for example. You can lean on them and they help you walking but they don't provide you with the sitting part.

@ninabreznik I think the sitting part is particularly important to me. Especially if I'm out somewhere like a conference or something where I might be in crowds. I'll defs look into hiking sticks though.

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