Oh shit, I entered that headspace again that I call "BitTorrentMode" where I can't shake that the current state of is honestly behind what BitTorrent was in usability like a decade ago.

I love all the new protocols for their advantages, but the UX just isn't anywhere near "install some random client and paste a link".

They got it right and I wish it kept going instead of losing relevancy.

BEP46 would have solved the UX of needing to search for updated torrents as something is released.

Then again, UX wise, random HTTP servers that stream loads of data for free (with a bunch of annoying ads) beets out the UX of any BitTorrent thing. 😂 Just enter a link, search the thing, and bam It's right in your face. No need to fuss with clients (but you lose control over how the video is presented)

@mauve too reliant on the DHT IMO, I feel Hyperdrive and IPNS do the job better since they support offline local use cases.

Also you're reminding me of the days of BitTorrent Maelstrom and BitTorrent Sync.

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