My cat is growing accustomed to it's new Machine God (the automated feeder).
I think she's figuring out the rituals for getting it to dispence food (there are none).
She happened to be rubbing up against a cabinet around when the timer went off and I could see her think "Whoa, did I do that?".
Hopefully she will soon learn the humies are no longer in control of her feeding times.
I think she doesn't understand that we know it already fed her in the morning even if we didn't witness it.
@mauve Mine sits vigil over the feeder for hours before dawn, just in case.
Oh, and starts hassling me to fill it hours before the appointed time, just for good measure. 🙄
@natknight Oh jeeze. 😂 That does not bode well.
Mine's on day three still and it seems at least her early morning feeding has resulted in less complaints.
In the evening she gets up in everyone's face after her afternoon nap (usually 30m to 1h to feeding)
@natknight Ty! To be hobest my main goal was to try to reduce the cats anxiety about where to get food since my household has like four humans that feed her according to schedules she couldn't even comprehend.
I'm hoping the machine will at least give her some consistency in source.