
Due to my hubris I am in the process of rewriting my zip file parser from scratch. :P At least now I have experience using the particular APIs and the things I need to watch out for from using Blobs.

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Though TBH my initial approach would have been better for a purely streaming mode where we process and chunk the WARC file on the fly. Now I need to be able to do random access to a WARC either on the FS or via Range queries over the network.

@mauve You know about right? Amazing zip library which works with WHATWG streams, Blobs, etc.

@gwil On interesting, I could potentially use some of their internals for zip parsing. The surface level API won't work for my use case though since I'm looking to do a close-to-zero-copy streaming read of the file as I construct an IPFS DAG from it. The `seekSignature` file seems pretty useful however.

@gwil @mauve

the other day i tried to use chatgpt to extract minimal code from this to allow creating a zip archive with files/folders uncompressed in a browser just for the sake of allowing download, but what i got wasnt working yet sadly and then gave up on it, but was only ~50 loc 🙂

@serapath @gwil yeah! Honestly the zip parsing isn't so bad. It's a bit strange since you *have* to scan from the back in order to search for the signature (inefficient AF IMO). But outside of that it's pretty straightforward.

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