After two hours of fixating on it I have discovered I am not hardcore enough for a split keyboard. 🤪

The ones that seem most appealing are custom built and I just don't have the hardware knowledge or expendible income go gain it / the tools for it at the moment.

@mauve For sure it's often a lot of both time and money. That said (and not intended as advice) I'm pretty happy with my Keyboardio version of the open Atreus design because I didn't have to build it and the software was easy peasy for me.

@trevorflowers @marty Interesting, ty for the links.

I think my needs are a bit different from what most keyboards cater to.

What I really want is:
- As few keys as possible
- Thumb-accessible mouse or trackball
- Split in two halves
- Bluetooth enabled

The closest that I found that meets my wants is the Dilemma from Bastard Keyboards, but that doesn't have BT and there's no easy path to add it.

@mauve @marty That does sound like a pleasant keyboard. Also, with such a thing I could finally live my full life by ziptying one half to each of my office chair arms and still be able to twirl around.


@trevorflowers Yeah! I saw one person in the Bastard Keyboards discord did something like that. But they added little stands to their arm rests which let them adjust the spacing to make it just right. Very inspiring. Still had to run cables between them and to the computer though.

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