Hey folks! Distributed.Press is venturing into the world of federated social and are working on our moderation tools. Specifically this will be on getting into published blogs.

What sorts of tools do you wish you had for making easier? I'll document some of the ones we're already planning in this thread too.

Boosts and shares appreciated.

From the top of my head

Many graph views of the instance I federate with:
* a view with weight by count of public/unlisted/DM toot with incoming/outgoing/both.
* same view that include when we federated / (rever) order by when we federated, how we federated with them (a boost(from where) , a toot search, etc.)

A way to send a message as an admin to another admin on a remote instance.

A way to automate federated moderation message to other admin

@mauve there is a lot more I would like to know on the graph view to be fair.

Like what do I see (eg. the federated) and what can be infered from it.
Example: I am going to block irony@poison.well what does the data I have on my view of the fediverse map tells me?

Can I see that they are best buddy with shit@piss.take and gone@d.s?

Because trouble makers are going to be distributed, so that I cannot block a whole instance. Without that level of info, they are annoying on 🌍

@mauve when I look at a person, I'd like the same amount of map of the fediverse view (eg. the top level like the first toot, as opposed to the details like in my second toot).

I would like to know who are the instances that federated since the last time I looked.

Every piece of data in the admin interface should have a timestamp.

Everything that list more than one thing on the admin interface should have all fields sortable at minimum, I'd want sort A, than B, etc.

@mauve A minimum, I should have a way to differentiate instances were we have mutual follows, from unidirectional follows, from we are just aware of each other.

If there is a statistic or a number in the admin interface, I should be able to drill down or see that number overtime.

I would like a dashboard where I can set things like velocity control (eg. new accounts are up 10000% on g.s), or suspicious activity like the list of server with no mutuals that DMed us.

@mauve I'll stop there, but there is probably more, but I have to go and I spammed this thread enough


@host This was very insightful. Thank you so much for your thoughts. 🙇

@mauve there is more where that comes from, but also there are other people with similar and more feedback.

If I had to summarised my toughts: we cannot moderate a (multi-dimentions) network by having (uni-dimention) lists.

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