My partner is really enjoying the MP3 player I got them.

It's super liberating to be able to just drag whatever files onto your device from wherever you want without a bunch of extra hassle.

Really disappointed that Apple has so much shit in the way of just using the device. Bonkers how Apple nuts are convinced it's got better UX than alternatives. Maybe it's better if you're wealthy and only use Apple products and services for everything.

@mauve I currently DO use Apple Music to manage my library of downloaded music. It works reasonably well (no FLAC support) but very soon I'll be switching that out for some other program & music player on my phone so that everything syncs with my NAS that I'm building...

No idea what that's going to BE and I haven't looked into it yet. Kinda dreading it?

@mauve I think ideal world music solution is the full quality FLACs are on the NAS and then decent quality MP3s are auto transcoded and loaded onto my laptop and phone?


@hank Something something something something something something pinning service

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