Dang, looks like doesn't handle relative URIs when parsing / data.

For example I can't set the `id` of a post to be a relative URL since it loads it as raw JSON.


This makes it harder to publish static data to


Looks like it doesn't handle schemaless URLs either. :P e.g. `//staticpub.mauve.moe/about.jsonld`.

I'll need to use absolute HTTPS URLs while we figure out how to get the relative URLs into the stack. Might need to publish both side by side.

· · Web · 1 · 1 · 2

@mauve i only saw pure // used as very specific outlier usecase for the period of migration from http: to https:, so browser would pick img-src with the same protocol as the webpage.

leaving uri w/o a scheme, is very likely to create way more problems and wrong expectations

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