Any graphical apps out there that support the system that aren't based on Kontact? I find it uses like 2 gigs of ram when idle for no reason I can see.

Tried using Evolution but it keeps getting GNOME related errors on Steam OS and it's Plasma UI. Others seem to rely on GNOME features too or are proprietary 😭

@mauve 2G!? I uninstalled GNOME Software because it occasionally took 1G for no reason. I hope you find an alternative 🙏

@j3rn honestly I might just make my own client at this point

@mauve I was thinking about that, but I've had the GTK docs open and unread in a tab for literal months and therefore feel unqualified to suggest anyone try to make Linux GUIs 😅


@j3rn I'm probably going to add smtp and the such as protocol handlers in Agregore and go from there :P

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