Anyone got an API endpoint of the "most blocked instances" handy? I wanna add it to the initialization flow for the

Ideally it'd be nice to say "Here's the top 100 most hated instances so you can preemptively block them if you'd like". It's not perfect but I think this would make it easier for small publishers to get started.

@mauve probably better to just support importing a blocklist in the mastodon format for now

You can then do what I'm doing in a Mastodon PR where we offer to pull in via a URL, offering several common lists to choose from

@thisismissem Yeah good point. Any benefits to mastodon's format instead of the fediblocksync format? I assume the mastodon one is more widely deployed at this point?

@mauve like, fediblocksync but with the ability to obscure the really harmful URLs would be wise, but it's kinda a future piece of work

@thisismissem @mauve Would hashing the URLs of instances, publishing the hashes, and then when a server wants to federate hashing its name, checking it against the list, and blocking accordingly be a solution here? Similar strategy to how haveIbeenpwned handles things I think...


@hank Yup! I think as @thisismissem alluded to the only challenge is getting folks to actually adopt such a strategy. :P

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