Gosh typescript brings me so much needless suffering sometimes. 😅
The real pain is when it refuses to run when the equivalent in regular JS would work. Like, I promise you the types match up just trust me bro. I think I'd find it less frustrating if it wasn't wrong so often.
Type 'ReadableStream<Uint8Array>' is missing the following properties from type 'ReadableStream<any>': values, [Symbol.asyncIterator]
35 const parser = Readable.fromWeb(response.body)
@mauve 😅
@mauve Sadly I recognise these, and know these are Node specific errors. I feel your pain 🫂
Now some dependency's build system for typescript got busted and it doesn't have the transpiled JS available in the dist folder. And of course NPM decides it has to preemptively update all my dependencies when I try to install an unrelated new one. 🙃
Is this really worth it? Hours wasted dealing with build systems to catch bugs that would be caught by a linter and unit tests anyway?