My hot take is that the and specs are fine. Having some more standards for working with groups might be nice but honestly I'm happy with how much folks are able to do already and how many implementations are out there that can work together. This is from a few months of working on a new implementation. Honestly there's been a decent amount of docs spread around the place to go off of.

That's really not a hot take. It's a pretty chill take.

For me the question is: Can you do something to make the entry of new developers to ActivityPub easier?

I wrote this tutorial and it seems to have helped some people. Creating a better developer experience will hopefully attract new people and thus great ideas.

@helge @mauve

Sometimes I wonder, man. I've been working on building a library with a decent API for ActivityPub in Go for about 4 years and there's barely any developer interest. Sometimes I feel like I'm just pouring all that work into /dev/null. :(

@mariusor @helge @mauve

This intrigues me A LOT! I've been pouring tons of time in community building and advocacy. A deliberate choice to not deep-dive into my own app project. Because MY dream Fediverse does not yet exist + requires a big, thriving dev community.

I experienced "herding cats" impossibility, and self-centered individualism inherent in grassroots movements. My insight is that my approach doesn't work either, except for eating away my savings.

I'm on a different path now..


@mariusor @helge @mauve

Started Social Coding Movement which dedicates to healthy FOSS ecosystems and "technology substrate" (people and processes that drive adoption, ecosystem growth).

Fediverse's major challenges are all social in nature. But broader even: except for its deliverables (software) the FOSS movement is inherently unsustainable. "Build it and they will come" is survivor bias.

The social dynamics and holistic sustainability is now having my fascination and focus.



@smallcircles Neat! Is this cryptonomocs or consumer coop type stuff?


Neither. I'm iterating with a small group of people on a concept, a formula really, called Prosperity Guilds.

That's not on the community forum yet, and will take some time before it is.

But the forum is open for members as a DoOcracy and e.g. #GuildAlpha by @csdummi and @tomat0 was started there independently.

Prosperity Guilds is an organizational pattern that can be combined with many other forms of organization.

@smallcircles Neat is it more of a "lifestyle" community sort of thing?

personally I'm going to be experimenting with cooperstive governance models for distributed publishing this year so I'll add this to my todo list for figuring out the tradeoffs. :)

Gonna be taking a couple weeks off work though so I'll get back into it in october

@mauve it is not a "community" in the way it is commonly understood. Community doesn't work on broad scopes, with vast audiences. It is also not a governance model in the traditional sense.

There's a recognition of *independent* (small) initiatives, and taking self-centeredness as natural. The focus is on what gives people the intrinsic motivation to be active and collaborative. All kinds of incentives and hedonistic motives play a role in that.

@smallcircles Interesting. The vibe I'm getting after reading the landing page is that this is a way you can coordinate volunteers to pool time together to work on stuff that they're all interested in. Is that an accurate read?


The landing page is outdated and stems from a time where we were thinking to be a co-shared community and prepare a launch event.

Social Coding being a movement means there's no such community. Everyone can feel affiliated, do their own thing. It is entirely organic now.

The general idea remains the same, though. There's another aspect: the potential socio-technical support.. decentralized / fediverse.

But Prosperity Guilds is separate from that, but sees itself part of the movement.

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