I think I might have to switch to visual studio code or something similar soon just to make my speech to text typing easier. I can imagine that having the fancy code completion would actually make a huge difference from my typing speed.

when I use a keyboard and typically way too fast for suggesting thing to actually keep up, but my voice isn't quite as good at handling weird API names

@cblgh It seems really cool. I just worry about going all in on a workflow with a tool that won't also scale seamlessly to my keyboard + controller setup. I've been trying to constrain myself to being as close to "standard" tooling as possible. Hence using nerd-dictation with the NATO phonetic alphabet instead of Talon's custom phonetic alphabet.

@mauve ay i can understand that approach! mentioned cursorless cause you were musing about visual code, which it goes all-in on (presumably for related reasons as in your op, auto-complete etc)


@cblgh Yeah this is super cool and relevant. TY for the link! I think I saw there was a strageloop talk about it but it got lost in my backlog :P

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