Woof. Seem to be recovering from my cold finally. Been mostly composting in bed staring at videos past few days.

Still a bit out of it but pulling myself together.

Carpal tunnel has been coming back to my right thumb so I gotta start training lefty to take on more loads to account for that.

@mauve i dont have carpal tunnel (just an extremely tense right shoulder), but moving some tasks to my left hand a few years ago is genuinly one of gur best smallish changes ive made in my life, i started off with eating and have slowly extended it to more domains, my shoulder is since less tense and i greatly enjoy being that bit closer to ambidexterous!

@bx Great to hear, ty! I've been mostly focused on fingers so far but I'm also trying out stuff like bag holding and door opening. Also writing is on the todo list but honestly I barely use my arms outside of finger work. >:P

Eating is a cool idea. Been meaning to train lefty too use chopsticks. (it has a hard time atm sadly)

@mauve bag holding and door opening are great ones allot of gur tension came out of my backpack being permanently right shouldered
Chopsticks are wonderful, i love how easy to clean they are, i went fork -> spoon -> chopsticks with my left
If you have a mouse/trackpad/trackball thats not made for one hand, swapping that over is a good starting point for coordination imo!

@bx Ah for my hands I actually ditched keyboard and mouse altogether. I use either my steam deck's controlls or a ps4 controller combined with a mini keyboard that I can operate with just my thumbs. 😁 My previous mouse was an apple magic trackpad and it really sucked for finger pain.

@mauve that sounds like a pretty interesting setup, do you bind gur keyboard and controller together somehow??

@bx Not usually. I generally switch between using one or the other. I have a keyboard that attaches directly to my ps4 controller, but the battery kinda sucks and it's not great for keyboard bindings and special characters.

Kinda wish I had enough money to comission a custom controller +keyboard device but my current setup will have to do for now.

I also considered going ham on chording to map controller keys to different letters/symbols but that would take too long to set up and learn.

@mauve i've considered multiple times trying to map gur way gur 8vim keyboard on android does letters to a d-pad, it's based on which of gur 4 directions you start in, end in and move through, so typing something like an "e" could have you tap up, but typing "t" could have you start on up and move to right,

what kind of layout and features would you go for in a custom keyboard controller hybird ???


@bx Hmmm, the steam keybinding thing would require you to make a bunch of "modes" that you would navigate through so it'd be a bit annoying to do all of them.

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