Gonna make a new shell / terminal emulator that behaves more like graphical text interfaces. Kinda tired of having to rewire my muscle memory between the terminal and GUIs. I want `ctrl+z` to do an undo when I'm typing text instead of whatever arcane shortcut bash uses.

As part of this experiment I will try to rely on a local called OpenHermes 2.5 Mistral 7B instead of duckduckgo as much as is practical. Though I think I need to tune it with the repos I usually refer to for code.

It's super janky so far but here's the code: github.com/RangerMauve/shell-c

Gonna add "command history" and opening multiple windows.

Also gonna wire up the agregore theme API to it for customization. :P


I'm also gonna add a text editor to it which is literally just a <textarea> with the contents. Then if I want any fancier editing I can open up the devtools and write code for it there.

Longer term it might be cool to integrate language models for auto complete in there

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