@mauve did you ever get some AR 'sunglass' style glasses? I'm tempted by store.viture.com/products/vitu but curious if you have any feedback

@mauve using just for terminal work that I can do with not needing to prop up monitors

@ryanramage Yeah! I daily drive ny Rokid Max headset. global.rokid.com/products/roki

The built in diopters are nice so I can show folks with different perscriptions. I have a bit of astigmatism that they can't correct for though.

The readability has been okay for me at the 1080p rez when I'm sitting but I find it useful to bump the scaling to 200% when I'm walking around.

@mauve oh thanks! doing a quick compare, the rokid max seems maybe slightly better. Very tempted now

@mauve sorry, more questions... I've been prototyping this with my son's quest 2, but I find the text a bit grainy or off focus depending where I'm focused. Do you think the monitor mirroring of the rokid has crisper text?


@ryanramage I haven't used a quest 2 for this but I find for spatial displays it's good to scale UIs 200% due to it bluring the pixels when you move your head. For the rokid in regular display mode it's like having a literal 1080p screen in front of you so it's about as crisp as that. But that's without any head tracking or AR. I find it comfy to code and browse when sitting and scale up when on the move.

@mauve thanks. Not really looking for head tracking. I did hunt down someone with a quest 3, and it's super clear, and usable. Now that makes me think for the price, quest 3 might be more usable for other things. Decisions 😅

@ryanramage Yeah quest 3 is probably the most pragmatic choice right now. I personally wouldn't allow anything Facebook related on my face and scanning my home, but I am one of those tinfoil hat types so YMMV :P Defs more usable and stable than any open source setup.

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