Music to review code to. 🤓

Bouta start a new database for client side indexing of ActivityPub data and making user curated timelines that much easier.

Please please please YES. I have done the sqlalchemy version of it for this exact purpose but I kept running up against how much cooler it could be as a direct graph transcription of the json-ld, and if u want a partner on doing something like that I am very much in

@jonny For now we'll start by just rendering notes but having an easy way to filter/sort. We'll be ingesting data into IndexedDB in the client and using minimal-ish code to make it easier to fork and customize the feed.

@jonny I can send you a link when we have something more substantial but for now we're working on v1 here:

Aha gotcha, so part of an ongoing thing not literally just new database models. Ok cool! Ill be curious to see what yall come up with


@jonny Yeah the model itself is super simple. Just an object store with indexes. 😅 Initially I wanted to do some zany stuff with RDF but time constraints got in the way.

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