See if I transpile everything to common lisp it'll be easier to do code analysis for tracibility accross data pipelines and programming langiages.

CL meta 

@mauve I'm thinking on picking CL myself so I'm interested in knowing why?

How do you find it compared to JS? And how is its ecosystem compared to othet langs?


CL meta 

@evnnbd TBH I don't think I'd want to do any applications in CL still. I'm actually using JS for my transformer/tracing tool since it's fast and flexible and has a lot of libraries. I think the only thing I like about CL is how simple syntax is. 😅 If I was an emacs user I'd likely want to use lisp more. Likely in the future I'll be messing with Guile via spritely goblins though.

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CL meta 

@mauve @evnnbd ooooh rare that I see CL talk!! How do you feel about Coalton?
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