Currently working on some #multicast peer discovery code. I keep abbreviating it as "peer disco", but it's definitely feels more like a peer cèilidh.

Nodes dynamically linking with each other in different configurations, shouting things to each other, nodes dropping in and out and reconfiguring again into a new shape and the dance goes on.

Yes, definitely more of a cèilidh.

All that's missing is some 80-shilling and a couple of nodes having a quiet snog in the corner.


@dentangle May I see your code? Are you putting them into a local DHT or gossip MST of some sort? :o

@mauve Sure. The code will be merged into the #librecast library - I'm aiming to have the new router API merged as part of the upcoming 0.9 release and will write up some docs on how it all works when it's finished. It's hashed addressing, but not really a DHT in the conventional sense. This is multicast *only* so it behaves a little differently.

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