Are folks using copilots for generating code successfully? Mine gets confused on syntax a bunch but it's a local model which is general rather than code specific. Like I wonder if I am prompting it poorly or something

@mauve they're great for generating bugs you won't know how to fix later


@cwebber Is this from personal experience and finding out or second hand from what others have said?

@mauve From reading multiple papers studying the effects of code assistants

@cwebber Interesting. My main frustratiom is thatthe code it write just isn't anywhere near the quality I need and it generates stuff that barely makes sense. I've mostly been exploring this as an alternative to speech to text coding and for doing some quick formatting but so far it's just sucked. Even very junior devs need less hand holding and reviews

@mauve @cwebber

absolutely same experience.

i can only imagine that some ppl doing more mainstream or generic programming tasks get some off-the-shelf templates that kinda help?

I even went through various exercises with and without the help of chatgpt to see if there is any improvement in quality or speed, but for the life of me cant make it produce anything useful that would be in any way an improvement over doing it all on my own.

It feels more like me teaching and babysitting chat gpt

@mauve @cwebber how involved are your code samples ? Have you tried to compare them against chatgpt 3.5 or 4?

@fleeky I only use locally runnable models so I have no clue how well it compares to the big corpo ones. 🤷 Sadly the code Ibwas using this on is a proprietary codebase so I can't share it. I ended uo deleting and rewriting myself like three times. It was some pretty basic cli arg parsing code tho

@mauve *edit* have a feels that quantizing a model down definitely impacts it's effectiveness.. I definitely have suboptimal results with local models unfortunately. I think there are definitely ways to improve it but that is it's own super deep research project...

@mauve i havent been able to try it personally but this person made there own fine tuned model for godot coding and supposedly it has good results.

basically if you want good local results you probably have to fine tune some model , boo ..

@fleeky yeah sadly fine tuning needs way more resources than I have available. :( Maybe if I get an egpu?

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