I have been seeding so many "Linux ISOs" and "Big Buck Bunny.avi" (copyright friendly open source movie) that my regular internet speed has ground to a halt. I've got my up bandwidth *saturated* over here 😎

@mauve I was seeding so many Linux isos and Tears of Steel recently that I learned qbittorrent only allows 999 active torrents. It's a busy day in the life of a Linux iso enthusiast.


@dade It's actually so funny when I start hitting hardware limits because my little NAS is absolutely *straining* to make sense of it.

@mauve when I got my first gigabit Internet connection, my torrent client would download a whole bunch in a burst and then stop for a minute or so. Turns out it was filling the memory buffer so much faster than it could write to disk that it had to stop 4-5 times per Linux iso to wait for the cache to flush 😂 I had to upgrade to downloading to SSDs then seeding from HDD.

@dade Oh wow I haven't even thought to optimize this. The selection for me is really random and Injust do whatsber the default settings can handle. Sometimes I stop seeding stuff that's wellbseeded anyway to ptioritize the lower seeder ones when I'm saturated.

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