
Where do I find all the folks wanting to be cyborgs or some flavor of transhuman?

I guess most humans are pretty comfy with their physical form or the natural ways to agument it?

@mauve define natural. I had friends freak out about Botox but being a ok with hair bleach, that is way more harmful.

@nonlinear In my world I see that as still wanting to look like a human but I was thinking natural as in biological processes so I'd say this is at least a super-natural thing and kinda transhuman. I am all for cosmetic surgery and stuff. Power to people wanting to be the human they want to be

@mauve just gonna lurk this thread for some weirdosss ..

@mauve When my son was an infant I would have done anything for a third arm. It seemed like an immensely reasonable thing for humans to have at the time.

@galuf For a second I thought you meant you wanted your infant to grow a third arm 🤣

@mauve As long as someone has a third arm to help out.

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