
No man's sky is a really pretty game but the gameplay is so bland and samey to me. I feel like I need more novel stimulus in ideas than "go to planet and do the exact same thing as any other planet"

i will say though it's more fun than outdoors these days since it's so hot and mosquito covered and everything costs money to do. 😅

@mauve I've had no shortage of conversations about this with friends. 18 quintillion worlds and they're all kind of the same. kind of a horrifying flatness when you think about it.

@nasser I think it'd be great for folks thatenjoy doing the same thing over and over again though. I thibk the base building for yhe sake of base building aspect is probably also fun for folks?

@mauve I watched SO MANY hours of Twitch streams to determine if I should get this game, and ultimately determined that it was a huge disappointment. Maybe next time, game industry!

@brandon Been playing it more today and I feel like one could get a good 30 hours out of the game at least. I just got a frigate and a colony to manage so combined with the main quest it's just about enough to keep my attention :P

@mauve I trust your opinion more than anyone else on Mastodon, but I think I've probably seen 30+ hours of “No Man's Sky" on Twitch, and I know how it ends. On the bright side, at least it's not "Star Citizen”!

@mauve overcast and actually a little chilly in the middle of Michigan here at the moment. I wish it was sunny.

@skryking I think here in Ontario it'dd be best described as "muggy with a chance of rain". 😅 Probably good duck feeding weather though

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