The constant disappointment of devices like smartphones, for me, is that having a permanently-internet-connected computer full of sensors that I keep on me at all times should be a thing that I can treat as an assistive tool that is integrated into my sense of self, constantly taking in information, processing that in workflows I've created, and sharing that with me

in other words, it should be a programmable extension of the perception of the body

and the entire ecosystem around smart phones is very meant for Not That

@left_adjoint smartphones are TV for the eyes. I've been building up my personal OS setup from the terminal and it's so nice go be able to know everything going on on it and being able to cut out the BS. Personal computing on the go is possible but such a time sink

@mauve @left_adjoint What you're doing might be exactly what I'm looking for as an option. I mean, you think I'd want to give a child one of these things? They might as well be remote authoritarian devices. *thinks of Star Trek tri-corders telling everybody what they need to be doing from their pockets* 😩


@Filene @left_adjoint it's a major pain in the ass at first but I'd suggest someone play with a friendly linux that does everything for you for a bit, then dive down to a tty-only install and slowly build up a wayland desktop with like sway or niri. Having a second device for searching up how the fuck to do wifi from a TUI is handy for the first while

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