Has anyone experimented with @VeilidNetwork yet? Any feedback? (pinging @mauve as a very likely contender 😀 )

@fabrice @VeilidNetwork yeah! I am building a thing on it for open archive. I'm still jot amazing with Rust but I love the primitives they give us to work with. I'm running iroh replication over it using app calls. The dht is great for secure group discovery.

@mauve @VeilidNetwork So you use veilid's app layer to exchange iroh's peer ids? And each node is both an iroh and a veilid peer?

@fabrice @VeilidNetwork I skip iroh-net entirely actually and just use the hashes. It's actually a massive pain because their replication code is tightly coupled to their networking library 🥲 I have a protocol over veilid app calls I'm working on with stream multiplexing between two route ids. Just a u32 prefix for stream id + arbitrary bytes. I can link code on tuesday. We want ip privacy so veilid routes are a must.


@fabrice @VeilidNetwork Main repo for our code. Most of the stuff there is from my coworker vincent.


main stuff I'm working on is in here: not yet merged tho. github.com/RangerMauve/veilid-

honestly don'y expect the code to be the most idiomatic rust 🤣

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