
THe bioelectrict manipulation of morphology is neat for general medical stuff but I am mostly excited for all my trans friends to have more options for gender affirming body mods. Cis people too! Hopefully once all the humans get theirs I can get my extra arms and eyes grown.

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The extra arms should be attached to the head, and one eye at the end of each arm (snail/andalite-style); correct?

@ciourte Honestly I'll take what I can get :P

I was thinking eyes would be more on the sides or my back to give me more peripheral vision.

arms would be just below my regular ones. Like those weird worm guys frim Men In Black maybe?

@technobaboo sauce:

tl:dr instead of messing with genes we can trigger cells to form specific tissues using bioelectric stimulation since that's how cells signal each other to form certain tissues. right now they can have simple organisms grow whatever wherever but humans are on the todo list.

@mauve i wish humans would get off the todo list for all these technologies, i wanna do genetic body mods now!!!

@mauve wait hang on if I signal to make more fat cells I could get any size boobs bwahaha

@technobaboo yeah exactly!! And change it over time without surgery

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