When it comes to the web:

I think there's something beautiful about HTML + CSS! Its not perfect, but given the problem statement of "inclusive richtext" you'd end up with a solution closely resembling HTML + CSS!
We maintain backwards compatibility with its imperfections, which is its own type of beauty!

I'm not wedded to HTTP, I think we can do better.

I think most JS devs would be happier if that was its own thing, separate from the document web. I don't particular care for an "app web".


@alcinnz I think something that is missing from the non-http document web is logic for handling uploads. E.g it'd be useful to have a way to add new posts to a p2p forum without needing a server to gatekeep. I've been thinking that a PUT/POST to a wasm module could work with access to the p2p file system as an alternative to a bunch of JS. Maybe with a focus on reusing simple logiv between sites instead of doing a bunch of bespoke stuff.

@mauve Ah forms, I find that an interesting & nowadays-underutilized topic!

My tip: Extract them from the page to render specially where can better reuse existing code or specialize for more varied devices!

I think most webdesigners would be happier if visually it showed in a modal overlay!

And yes, there's underlying networking concerns... I've currently got my eyes on Willow...

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