Mozilla's CEO doubles down on them being an advertising company now.

tl;dr: "LOL get fucked"

They've decided who their customers are, and it's not you, it's people who build and invest in surveillance advertising networks. But in a "respectful" way....

@jwz I'd love to hear the perspective of someone that actually has positive feelings about this.

@mauve You already did, their titled is "Overpaid CEO". If you click the link, there is also full-throated support from "Overpaid President".


@jwz Ah! I meant users of firefox. Like, I have a hard time imagining a single user that wouldn't feel negatively about this.

@mauve I'm sure the New York Times can find one in a rural diner somewhere.

@fabrice @jwz That was useful context, ty. Still unclear how Mozilla plans to profit from this.

@mauve @jwz I guess they plan to keep doing the same kind of search deal, but this time they will claim that the money comes from privacy respecting ad attribution?

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