a git forge idea 

the bulk of what you need from a git forge (sourcehut, gitea, github, gitlab) is a static site that gets built on push. the interactive bits, PRs and issues, can be activity pub i think.

a git forge idea 

having the dangerous "this does not seem as hard as anyone makes it out to be" brain tickle that is the source of both my few successes and my many deaths

a git forge idea 

the static site generator i have 90% finished would be a good fit. it just expects an array of json as its "content" for input and however you come about generating that does not matter. templating etc stays the same. the prototype i have turns a folder full of markdown files into these jsons but nothing stopping you from turning a git repo into something similar.

a git forge idea 

AP actors would be

1. people's accounts (on their own AP servers eg masto or whatever)
2. repositories (send a message to a repo to create an issue)

messaging a repo creates a conversation thread, which is an issue. responding to the conversation thread (on the forge or on masto or whatever) is how you "comment" on the issue.

PRs are just issues that mention another git branch on another repo/server.

i think?

a git forge idea 

@nasser Also HMU if you end up doing this! I've been doing a bunch of static AP stuff with distributed.press and have a minimal inbox impl that could be adjusted to support such a thing easily enough

a git forge idea 

@mauve a minimal inbox implementation would be v interesting to look at! is that live anywhere?

re: forgefed, if that was the vocabulary in use would the system still work from eg mastodon which uses a vocabulary of "notes" i believe?


a git forge idea 

@nasser I think Mastodon would just ignore vocab it doesn't understand. But you could probs post stuff as both. Main reason to reuse forgefed is compat with other impls that are working on it.

social inbox is in typescript, we have some docs here as well as links to source: docs.distributed.press/social-

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