@mauve , step 1: grow(craft)/buy/steal some plump helmets and barrels. Step 2: build Still. Step 3: find most outrageous slacker of your current population and make him a Brewer. Done, no dehydration! Healthy dwarves are absolutely OK without water. Injured dwarves in hospitals might need some though...
@mauve , SOME fruits are brew'able indeed. I, however, don't remember which specifically fit. I usually designate one of doctors as a herbalist - and mark whole surface area for plant gathering. Then check if "brew from fruit" option in Still became available and/or if fruits with Brew option appeared in kitchen processing allowance list few times. Fruit gathering area designation works too - however, there might be problems with misplaced stepladders, leading to unintended consequences :)
@mauve , SOME fruits are brew'able indeed.
I, however, don't remember which specifically fit.
I usually designate one of doctors as a herbalist - and mark whole surface area for plant gathering. Then check if "brew from fruit" option in Still became available and/or if fruits with Brew option appeared in kitchen processing allowance list few times.
Fruit gathering area designation works too - however, there might be problems with misplaced stepladders, leading to unintended consequences :)