
Ooo, just had a great idea for how to make 3d graph layout easier for flowchart-like constructs.

Basically, what if you use a regular format like graphviz for your usual 2d layout stuff. But then if you place something in a subgraph it goes on a different `z` layer. Such that you can have a bunch of layers but can still have that flowchart arrangement. E.g. you could link up and down between two layers and the nodes would be placed close together.

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If I had a penny for every time people conclude "Oh it's just xanadu again" during conversations.....

@quinn I haven't seen this aspect before actually, thank you. 🤯 This was spot on.

I think I want to do something similar with the version of @agregore is finally a thing.

Browsing the web and having a trail of UIs going back from the browser window. Clicking on links which attach a whole interactive 3D object.

All loaded from p2p mesh networks of course. 💜💜💜

@mauve @agregore that sounds amazing! I’d love to see what you end up with 😊

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