@hank This website should just be part of the unicode spec!

@mauve It unironically should. It's possible to do AFAIK. Gotta break up the characters into component parts and compute them as ligatures?

@mauve Microsoft open sourced their Fluent emoji which includes the component parts, somebody dedicated could probably do this without having to design all the components themselves??? Just gotta find a dedicated OpenType enthusiast to nerd snipe...


@hank There should be ligatures that feed into AI models to just generate the perfect emoji. E.g. "start GPT-EMOJI" "Big eye purple pupils vibrating gently" "end GPT-Emoji" and then it gives you exactly that.

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@mauve I feel like included machine learning models are not Unicode spec compliant… But also fonts are Turing complete so go off I guess?

@hank We can just have 800GB font files which contain the model. 🤪

@hank It's fine it's fine. Something something content addressibility something something distributed+decenralized compute something something swarm of tiny coprocessors. Just gotta fast forward a generation or two. 🤷

@mauve Mauve’s future: “The content is coming from INSIDE the local network!”

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