Ooo. I'm thinking of taking a small vacation from work for a couple of weeks in December.

Maybe I'll finally have time to migrate away from Pop OS to something that doesn't use GNOME. :P Been having a bunch of trouble since Gnome 42 came out and all my themes broke + it started freezing up.

Any KDE things out there that have decent support for Intel machines?

@mauve as far as I know KDE works great on Intel machines.


@soapdog Which distro? I'm contemplating whether I want another Ubuntu fork or try something a bit more spicy like Manjaro. :x

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@mauve I was using KDE Neon, but I prefer running it with OpenSuse.

At KDE home page, they have some suggestions:

I'd go with whatever distro you're more comfortable with from a management perspective (init system, package manager, etc)

I'm quite fond o OpenSuse, but something like Fedora or Kubuntu is probably something that you might already have experience with.

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