@cblgh 👀 Having a mesh would be swell actually. I think there was legislation passed recently that made it easier to connect to the internet backbone in Canada.
In general Canadian ISPs are a duoploy and actively engage in anti-competitive legislation to make internet shit for everyone here. 😅
@mauve oopf that duopoly status really sucks :x inb4 you become an isp? ontop of like... eeeeverything else
@cblgh God I wish. 😭😭😭😭 Maybe if I move somewhere a bit more rural than Ottawa where it'd be more worth the effort vs just dealing with the pain of the duopoly. 🤔
Realistically, after I get another grant or two with the Wakoma folks to get p2p stuff working on mesh networks I should be able to reproduce that in local contexts.
@mauve haha oh shit yeah i could totally see you go for a bunch of U's :> uplink sounds like a bummer atm, dang! tomesh to the network egress? :~