If operating systems were actually cool you could have an easy path to use the pogfish react within any app by managing your react stickers at the OS level
@mauve another example of computers having unreached potential to be awesome.
I desperately want set and forget universe wide dark theme, and/or custom css for every piece of my computer experience.
Computers could be so awesome.
@unmellow I think we could do this in a web OS with extensions! Would just need enough people using the OS interested. 😤
@mauve but then we get into the issue of legacy software, fortunately we have webassembly and other assortments of tools for compatibility.
Part of me sees all these pieces that if put together would make something Great.
But than the other part thinks "that's easier said than done." I really need to get started working on some of my own ideas lol.
@mauve you just need a custom keyboard for that... totally gonna put that in stardust ;3
sometimes I just want to pog react on tiktok instead of their tiny emoji selection