
Does have a spec for communities to expose their combined timeline?

I think that would be super cool to combine with indexing where you could follow entire instances by lazily querying data from their timline index on the fly instead of needing to load everything on your server first.

· · Web · 1 · 1 · 1

@mauve this sounds cool but I don't understand it. What is a timeline index?

@bennlich It's like a database index, but the database is your timeline served on the p2p network.

Right now ActivityPub has "OrderedCollections" which get downloaded fully by servers into their database (e.g. postgres), and that database has indexes that make it fast so search through to see just what you need.

With p2p indexes over people's timelines/outboxes/etc you can search the data with (closer to) the same efficiency as if it was a local database, but p2p and over the network.

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