How many windows do you typically have visible on your screen at any given time?

I just realized recently that a lot of folks only have one at a time which blew my mind since I usually have a dozen or so at a time. :P

@mauve i only do 1 visible at a time, but i often have a second one audible (i like to listen to shows i've watched before while i do stuff)

@rose_alibi Ooo, audible is a good axis to measure too! I usually have at least one, but I've managed to multiplex like three streams of info at once before. :P

I think I had to sacrifice a part of my soul for that one so it's not a longer term thing, but it's possible! :P

@mauve i can't do more than 1 audio stream, but i can definitely listen to a show while reading an article or something


@rose_alibi Do you find you miss out on the show more when you do so? I find I can only process language to a certain fidelity if I'm not focused on it.

Generally I can let my body do functions while my mind processes language, but two language streams (regardless of sensory input) at once end up leaving one of them less coherent. 😅

I think audio tends to be easier since sometimes I can multiplex conversations, but I can't multiplex reading / coding.

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@mauve not really, but maybe because i never get that invested😆

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