
capitalism feels 

I wish I didn't have to constantly work and push my body and mind to the brink just to afford to live comfortably enough that I can prevent myself from falling apart.

My friends are taking the day off but I can't because I have a bunch of obligations to keep this fragile career progressing.

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capitalism feels 

As expected, I managed to get the two of the most urgent things done using some sacrifices to the dark gods (lots of caffeine). :P

Hopefully the next two days will be more chill as a result.

@am Finish up a draft of this content-aware chunking thing for web archives, write up and record a talk on holistic decentralization, progress on fixing bugs in this IPFS thing, have several meetings to do long term strategy for p2p database stuff. Probably more that I should be doing but is entirely unrealistic to focus on.

I'll likely only get two of those things done tonight anyway.

@mauve I understand the impulse to do it all ... but as a token of smaller self-accomodation you could prioritise the biggest one and allow yourself a few hours tonight. Otherwise if you plan on doing all that you will just feel frustrated if/when it doesn't all get done and you feel run ragged, right?

@am I don't really have the luxury of not doing the things I mentioned. This is coming after I already cut out most of the non-urgent TODOs.

capitalism feels 

@mauve i feel you. Sounds super familiar.

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