Really wish there was an OS that forced apps to decouple their data layer from their UI layer so that users could bring different UIs to the same data or combine multiple data providers in one Ui.

@mauve I always thought this was at least partially, if not wholly, the motivation behind the "everything is a file" idea. I can't cite a source or anything, though, so I might just be imposing my own perspective on things here. At any rate, it does seem like the idea was, in most cases, implemented imperfectly at best, doesn't it?


@lykso Yeah! I think one limitation though is that a lot of apps need a database that can potentially be accessed by multiple apps at once.

IMO it'd be nice if we could take the Semantic Web data model, combine it with SPARQL/Triple Pattern Fragment Queries, and make it available at the OS level.

You also get a sort of directory, but with structure data which can be explored.

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