
Loving this breakdown by @nasser on why we should look outside of profit motive and capitalism.

Thanks for posting. I was looking for this slide. Glad you posted.

@mauve uxn sounds fun! Is there a web runtime for the ROMs?

@fabrice @mauve there is webuxn (based on webassembly) but it's not up to date so new roms wont work.
there is uxn5 which is JS uxn runtime but with no graphics, only text.
And there is uxnts which i have started recently based on the current uxn, i have basic graphics and i hope to do some good progress in the next week ^^

Here is general list of runtimes and roms

@bogmon @fabrice @mauve oh that's cool! you should ask to add it to the list of awesome uxn! :)

@fabrice yeah! I dont have the link handy but I have played with it!

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