Hey folks! Distributed.Press is venturing into the world of federated social and are working on our moderation tools. Specifically this will be on getting into published blogs.

What sorts of tools do you wish you had for making easier? I'll document some of the ones we're already planning in this thread too.

Boosts and shares appreciated.

1. Moderation queues on webmentions before they show up on the blog.

Before a mention shows up on your blog, it'll go into a (currently central) queue which will need to be manually approved. Publishers can also opt into auto-accepting if they feel automatic filters they have will be enough.

2. Allow/Block lists.

In addition to the manual processing, we will also have a way to say "Filter out anything from this particular domain" or "Filter out anything that isn't from this domain.

We'll have a way to add to these lists one by one, but from what I've heard having a way to send a newline delimited list is something a lot of folks have wanted from Mastodon to make it easier to paste in entire block lists.

3. Word filters

In a lot of cases it's pretty safe to just say "We don't want any slurs, or anything that looks like a slur on our blog. Or similar with particular trigger words if you have a community that would be vulnerable to them.

Similar to blocking instances, we'll have a way to paste a list of words you just want auto-filtered out before the mods even see them.


4. Federated moderation

It's likely we won't have time for this in our current sprint, but I'd personally love to collaborate with groups thinking about how we can more easily opt into blocklists. For example, if you run a distributed press instance, it should be useful for all the sites on your community to opt into a blocklist instead of having to moderate everything on their own.

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