After two hours of fixating on it I have discovered I am not hardcore enough for a split keyboard. 🤪

The ones that seem most appealing are custom built and I just don't have the hardware knowledge or expendible income go gain it / the tools for it at the moment.

I too was (and still am) overwhelmed by the wide world of (mostly DIY) keyboards. I got an ergodox ez after seeing a coworker use it for a long time. It’s been a learning experience, for sure, and I bet there are “better” keyboards for me out there, but going from no-split-keyboard to yes-split-keyboard has made a huge difference in pain/posture.


@marty Pain relief is defs pretty high on my priorities. I also find that having to move my hand to my mouse adds a bunch of extra pain.

Low key been thinking of just using the controller portion of my steam deck and speech to text instead of typing+mouse. The lil trackpad has been way nicer to use for everything but typing.

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