What are folks using for basic video editing on ?

i just need to slice up a video and cut out some ums and uhs.

contemplating using raw ffmpeg even

@mauve kdenlive. if the playback seems choppy when editing, it does get smoothed out when actually rendering.


@tychi Perfect, thank you. i'll give it a shot this week 🙇

@mauve good luck! semi aside, the neatest trick i picked up along the way with video stuff--

setting a webpage up with a green background, overlaying whatever web tech stuff on top, loading the webpage in obs using a layer with the same dimensions as my camera resolution, recording the animations, importing that clip into kdenlive and then punching out the green background via chromakey for a sick overlay.

@tychi Snap! That's a great approach 🤯 I could make a basic vtuber or something that way

@mauve 100%, set a camera towards an empty swivel chair and rotate it from offscreen to the rhythm of your vtuber would be a fun practical effect!

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