I think my philosophy when making software is that it should work for people with zero money or no bank account / credit card.

I know it's not a popular mindset to be in since money and profit is everything in the tech world.

I think it comes from growing up as a kid with no disposable income or access to anything but my shitty computer.

I'd rather support people with almost nothing than people with latest and greatest tech gizmos and spare cash for subscription services. 😅

@mauve ditto and it is why I've been supporting, building demos and PoCs for #SafeNetwork since 2014.

It will be an app platform too, so ideal for building apps that are free for anyone, bypassing gatekeepers and roadblocks.

Keywords: #secure #p2p #LocalFirst #CRDT #decentralized #DBC #InternetArchive

@markhughes If y'all are interested in adding SAFE as a protocol handler in Agregore hit me up on github. :o Always interested in new decentralized protocols to shove in there.

@mauve having said that I would expect the ability to access SN will be added to other applications including other browsers.

The project itself is though unlikely to encourage it support this, and would be pointing out that it makes using SN less secure.

@markhughes That makes sense. One thing that might be interesting for y'all to explore is to take inspiration from and have a minimal markup language for content. That way you can lower the barrier to making new clients and slowly iterate on how to make things more dynamic.

In Agregore we have first class support for gemini and for rendering gemtext (and makrdown) from any protocol. (also authoring it is easier than HTML/CSS/etc)

@mauve I think the plan is to have a full feature browser but which cannot be made to phone home or share data without explicit permission.

FYI the intention is also that all data is perpetual, so every version of every web page (or any other public data) is always available (using a capable browser). So no link rot, and the wayback machine / Internet Archive built in.

I will take a look at gemini, so thanks for the rec.

@markhughes Nice that sounds like a great goal. I've been thinking about getting a "secure mode" into Agregore but that'd require editing a bunch of C++ and chromium code which I sadly don't have the spare time for.


@markhughes If y'all decide to go with a chromium fork (like brave) feel free to reach out about how to get custom protocol handlers in there. I ended up doing a lot of late night digging to get it working for agregore-mobile on Android.

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

@mauve thanks, there has already been a Safe Browser using Electron which works well in an earlier test network but I'm not sure if that will be used going forward as cross platform tooling options have improved a lot (eg Rust/Tauri).

Either way I don't expect work on the browser to resume until the current testing phase completes and launch is close (or has happened).

I'm just a community member BTW, so that's informed speculation!

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