
I'm generally not a huge "fan" of things but I like to imagine that people care about what movie is "the best" about as much as I care about approaches to data serialization.

it's really hard to talk to folks about my interests 😬

@mauve what do you find so interesting about data serialisation?

@hanbzu There's a lot of approaches with different tradeoffs and I like exploring what folks have done and seeing how it applies to my work. :) Especially when it comes to stuff like content addressing or schemas. Just something I've had to dig into a lot throughout my career.

@mauve I can definitely relate to that. Especially because I feel like a newbie in the area. But I had to consider content addressing for a hyperlinked editor I’m fiddling with, and I ended up choosing uuid-based addressing, but the feeling is I may not be well informed about the tradeoffs involved. So I guess I could also spend a great deal of time talking about addressing!

@mauve what's your thoughts on flatbuffers/flexbuffers? :D

@technobaboo Love em! When they were first released I was like "Whoa, you can do that?!"

Sadly I haven't had a chance to use them in my projects since I'm usually interfacing with other libraries that have their own opinions on serialization.

@mauve you'll be happy to know I use those for stardust to get MAXIMUM SPEEEED in serialization/deserialization

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