Hey folks, I'm thinking of starting a #ottawa / #toronto / #ontario based #PixelFed instance for #artists and #makers
I think it'd be a great intro to different types of folks to the #Fediverse that aren't necessarily into the twitter-style on mastodon.
Any thoughts for names? I'm thinking of some sort of `.art` or `.ca` domain.
@mauve poutine.art? *ducks* sorry! Was just the first random word that popped into my head.. that and polite.. maybe.. politepoutine.art?
(I mean this totally in jest of course, stereotypes are fun to joke about, especially as a convict.. uhm, I mean, Australian)
@thisismissem Oh yeah! That's a great idea actually. I think having some very "canadian" sounding words could be fun.
From my experience most other Canadians I know are pretty chill with the stereotypes they're assigned. :P
I feel like "beaver" would be a good one but the connotations with genitalia would be a problem. 😅
@mauve @thisismissem
@dym @thisismissem Nice. 180 dollars to sign up though so I'll need to think if I wanna spend that much on a domain. :P
Maybe something-aboot.art or aboot-something.art?
talkaboot.art is an order of magnitude cheaper. 🤔
@mauve @thisismissem
oh, 180 canadians, yeah kinda alot for.
aboot.ca is 16 on namecheap
@dym postaboot.art is pretty cheap too and kinda describes what folks would do on there. I feel like aboot.ca misses the art aspect.
abootart.ca is cool too?